
Dear Friends of St Botolph-without-Bishopsgate, may I take the opportunity to offer you all a very happy Christmas. It has been a difficult year for everyone throughout the world. In our prayers daily we hold before God all those affected by the Coronavirus pandemic. For all those who are sick, those recovering, those who will never fully recover, and all who have died. We pray too for all those who have become isolated and lonely, those with associated mental health issues

Please join us either in person or on line as we celebrate Advent and Christmas this year Our Advent theme ‘Comfort ye…’ continues over the next weeks - please join us for services on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 1.10 pm either in church or by following the livestream Choral Services for Advent with St Botolph’s Choir TUESDAY 8 DECEMBER, 6.00 pm A Festival of Music and Readings for the Conception of the Mother or Our Lord If you are planning to attend this service in