
Abiding by the Government recent restrictions relating to Covid we are happy to let you know that the remainder of our Carol Services will be going ahead as planned. A mask must be worn when moving about inside the church, but can be removed when in your pew and for singing. I look forward to welcoming you to these celebratory services Fr David Armstrong

A number of safety initiatives are running throughout December and the new year in the our parish and the wider City of London area.  We are pleased to say we have been able to accommodate one of these initiatives the City Police Night Safety Hub, in our Hall for 15 nights during the next few weeks. The Night safety hub will be a new safe space and operating in partnership with the City of London Corporation, St John Ambulance and Victim

Our theme for this Advent is ‘The Gift’. We will be associating the theme of ‘The Gift’ with the theme, in Christian tradition, allotted to each week of Advent: the Patriarchs, the Prophets, John the Baptist, and the Blessed Virgin Mary. In this order we will be thinking of the Gift of Heritage, the Gift of Prophecy, the Gift of Humility, and the Gift of Obedience. When considering each of these, it is important that we realise that a gift is

Prebendary David Paton, Rector of St Botolph's from 1997-2006, died on 14 December 2019. Plans for services to give thanks for his life and his long ministry in the Diocese of London were due to be held at All Saints Margaret Street, and here at St Botolph's, in March and April 2020, but were postponed due to the pandemic. The services are now taking place around the second anniversary of his death: on Tuesday 14 December there will be a

Lunchtime Said and Choral Masses during Advent will follow our Advent theme of ‘The Gift…’. The Requiem on 15 December, postponed from 2020, gives us an opportunity to remember Prebendary David Paton, our former Rector, who died two years ago this week. Full details on all our services can be found on our events page   WEDNESDAY 1 DECEMBER, 1.10 pm Week of the 1st Sunday of Advent The Gift of Heritage – The Patriarchs A SERVICE OF LESSONS AND CAROLS IN ADVENT   WEDNESDAY 8 DECEMBER, 1.10

We also pleased to welcome local firms, City institutions, national charities and choirs for their annual carol services and concerts. The collections at some of these services are also for the support of St Botolph's Advent charities. Members of the extended St Botolph’s ‘family’ are warmly invited to attend any of these events (please note some of them are ticketed). Many of these services will also be livestreamed. Click here Wednesday 1 December     The Order of Knights Templar Family at 6.30 pm       

There are approximately  236,000 homeless people in Britain and a large number of them are on the streets of London.  We at St Botolph’s support local and national charities through financial donations, and when people come in to the Church we help them to access these groups where they can get the professional help they need It is also nice to be able to offer them a cup of coffee to warm them up and help them while we give

Next Wednesday, 3 November, we hold our annual All Souls service when we remember our loved ones who have gone before us. The music at the Choral Requiem Mass at 1.10 pm will be the Missa Defunctorum by Viadana. As usual this service will include a special Act of Commemoration during which the names of the departed will be solemnly read aloud, and relatives and friends are encouraged to come forward and light candles in their memory. There is a Requiem Book