
St Botolph’s Advent & Christmas Charities

Alms given and collections taken during Advent and at Carol Services are divided between our chosen charities, which this year reflect two issues particularly relevant to our Advent theme of
‘Peace and Reconciliation’

The Christian charity Caritas works in nearly all the world’s countries, so Caritas Ukraine was already there on the ground when the Russian offensive began in February. Caritas carries out holistic, comprehensive programming that responds to urgent, life-saving needs while building the foundations and means for long-term recovery. Caritas Ukraine has provided millions of humanitarian-related services, throughout the country, under highly volatile and unsafe conditions. In its emergency efforts, Caritas prioritizes the needs of the most vulnerable, including women and children, single parents, large families, elderly people, and people with disabilities. The charity has developed plans to help enable the long-term recovery of the country and the future wellbeing of its people once Russia has withdrawn.


Founded in 1914 and based in the Christian tradition, The Fellowship of Reconciliation is an international movement of people who commit themselves to active nonviolence as a way of life and as a means of personal, social, economic and political transformation. Its current work centres around equipping members to promote nonviolence in their own churches, to send the message that Jesus was a radical peacemaker and that Christianity is a faith of nonviolence and of love in action. The charity and its members are active in bearing witness against war and its preparation. Another big part of the charity’s work is support for community conflict transformation projects overseas, through the International Peacemakers’ Fund, most recently supporting projects in Africa and the Middle East.

Please give as generously as you are able at this time:

  • Cash donations may be placed in the alms boxes, or handed to a member of staff at any time. If you are a UK taxpayer please complete a Gift Aid envelope so we can claim back a further 25% from HMRC.
  • Card/contactless donations can be made at any time via the device on the table at the back of church, and can be Gift Aided.
  • Credit card donations can be made via the link on our website or by using this dedicated QR code, and can be Gift Aided.

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