St Botolph’s Annual Meetings 2020
A good number of parishioners logged in to Zoom from their remote outposts on Monday 19 October to attend the postponed Annual Meetings. Fr David guided the meetings seamlessly through the election of Churchwardens, Deanery Synod representatives and Council members (a full list of those elected is posted in church and attached to this report), and the receiving of the usual reports. He contrasted the high level of activity which could be read about in the 2019 Annual Report with the strange times in which he and the congregation had found themselves since the onset of the Covid pandemic, but was grateful for the support of the Wardens and Council, the staff, the church’s musicians, the dispersed congregation and wider St Botolph’s family throughout the changing circumstances of 2020, and he looked with hope to the future with the gradual return of special services and envisioned a relatively busy December with carol services organised by our partner organisations and charities. Churchwarden Frank Curtiss, speaking to the Financial Report and Accounts, firmly assured the meeting that despite the inevitable loss of some income streams as a result of the pandemic St Botolph’s was very much still a going concern.