
St Botolph’s Electoral Roll and Annual Meetings

The Roll was closed for its annual revision from 9 to 10 May and the new Roll is now displayed on the noticeboard by the Bishopsgate entrance until the Annual Parochial Church Meeting on Wednesday 24 May. The Roll will be open again for new applications following that meeting.


Mhairi Ellis, Electoral Roll Officer


Annual Meetings

The Annual Vestry Meeting and Annual Parochial Church Meeting will take place on Wednesday 24 May at 2.00 pm in church immediately following the Choral Mass. You are invited to join either in person or via zoom by clicking here and following the joining instructions.  Fr David and the Churchwardens very much hope that as many as possible of our regular ‘family’ will wish to hear reports both of what has happened during the past year at St Botolph’s and also of our future projects.

At the Vestry Meeting we appoint our Churchwardens for the forthcoming year. Residents of the parish on the electoral register are eligible to attend this meeting in addition to members of the Candidates for the post of Churchwarden must be over 21, on the Electoral Roll, and actual communicant members of the Church of England. Nominations must be proposed and seconded, and candidates must indicate their willingness to stand.

This will be followed by the Annual Parochial Church Meeting,
at which we elect representatives to the City Deanery Synod for the triennium 2023-26, and members of our Parochial Church Council (PCC) for the forthcoming year, and receive from the Parochial Church Council the Accounts and Annual Reports for 2022. Candidates for election to the City Deanery Synod and the PCC must have been on the Electoral Roll for at least six months, and be actual communicant members of the Church of England. Nominations must be proposed and seconded, and candidates must indicate their willingness to stand.

There is also a brief meeting of the newly-elected Parochial Church Council immediately after these two meetings.

Mhairi Ellis, PCC Secretary

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