
Update on Fr David and January services

Following last week’s announcement of Fr David’s foot injury, the latest update is that he is awaiting a further surgical procedure. He continues in good spirits, but is quite immobile and has been told that his foot needs elevation and total rest for a few weeks. He is at home and will not be able to take services for the time being.

The normal pattern of weekday services will continue with the exception of the Tuesday 8.10 am Mass, which is suspended for the time being. We are very grateful to the team of visiting clergy who have kindly agreed to cover services for the remainder of Christmastide in Fr David’s absence.

Fr David will be looking at emails, although understandably there may be a delay before he is able to reply. For any urgent matter requiring his personal attention, please ring the church number 020 7588 3388 and a message will be passed to him. For any urgent pastoral matter, please contact Fr Jack Noble ([email protected]) or Fr Stephen Baxter ([email protected]) who should be able to help.

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