Dear Friend of St Botolph’s
The Archbishops, in consultation with the House of Bishops, have invited every Christian and person of good will to pray at 6pm every day, beginning today, Thursday 5 November, for the period of this present lock-down. In case you would like to join our daily 6pm prayers, I attach a prayer booklet which the Church of England has produced to accompany this initiative. Fr David Download Evening prayer book
Coffee Kiosk Public Notice
We are applying for a Faculty and as usual we need to put a Public Notice up in the Church. Due to the current National Lockdown we are also putting a copy of the public notice here on our website. If you would like more information or have any questions please email Paul at [email protected] View Public Notice
New Lockdown and St Botolph’s
Dear Friend of St Botolph’s, in light of the Government’s decision to reimpose a form of lockdown in England, we have, by necessity revised the form of church services we can offer. With regret, from Thursday 5 November until further notice, and at least until 2 December, we will be unable to celebrate public services in the church. We will be streaming services online only. We will have our 1.10pm Said Mass on Tuesday and our full Choral Mass with sermon
All Souls Requiem, Wednesday 4 November
Fr David writes: Next Wednesday, 4 November, we will be marking The Commemoration of the Faithful Departed (All Souls) with a Choral Requiem Mass (Music: Missa pro defunctis - Anerio), at 1.10 pm in church. The service will also be livestreamed via the website As usual this service will include a special Act of Commemoration during which the names of the departed will be solemnly read aloud. There is a Requiem Book at the back of church (ask at the office