
Message from The Rector Easter Hope Easter is a time of hope in the true and affirmative sense.  In casual conversation when we use the word ‘hope’ it is often in a way which suggests doubt or wavering uncertainty. ‘I hope I can make it, I hope to see you’.  In terms of faith, hope is certain.  Hope is eager anticipation and a firm acknowledgement that, ultimately all will be well. It is with hope that we look ahead with confident expectation of

St Botolph's has been a proud supporter of Fairtrade for a number of years, we serve Fairtrade refreshments after the Wednesday service. When we decided to open a coffee kiosk in the Church we were committed to only sell Fairtrade Tea and Coffee.  What does Fairtrade do? Fairtrade works with farming co-operatives, businesses and governments to make trade fair. Together with Fairtrade farmers and workers they have a vision: a world in which trade is based on fairness so that producers earn secure

Following last week's announcement of Fr David's foot injury, the latest update is that he is awaiting a further surgical procedure. He continues in good spirits, but is quite immobile and has been told that his foot needs elevation and total rest for a few weeks. He is at home and will not be able to take services for the time being. The normal pattern of weekday services will continue with the exception of the Tuesday 8.10 am Mass, which is

St Botolph's re-opened after the Christmas break yesterday, 3 January. Our first Choral Mass of 2023 will take place today, Wednesday 4 January, at 1.10 pm, and will anticipate the Feast of the Epiphany. Fr David will be away from church for a little while, having sustained an injury to his right foot in December. Unfortunately this has not healed as anticipated, and has required minor surgery at St Thomas's Hospital. He is in good spirits, but is quite immobile and

Said and Choral Masses during Advent will follow our Advent theme of ‘Peace and Reconciliation’   WEDNESDAY 30 NOVEMBER, 1.10 pm Week of the 1st Sunday of Advent CHORAL MASS Mass in A minor Cannicciari Rorate caeli desuper Guerrero Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland, BWV 661 Bach   THURSDAY 1 DECEMBER, 1.10 pm (please note change from normal day) A SERVICE OF LESSONS AND CAROLS IN ADVENT Choral music for Advent by Stanford, Stainer, Handel, Morales and Bach   WEDNESDAY 7 DECEMBER, 1.10 pm Week of the 2nd Sunday of Advent CHORAL MASS Missa in honorem Beatae

Alms given and collections taken during Advent and at Carol Services are divided between our chosen charities, which this year reflect two issues particularly relevant to our Advent theme of ‘Peace and Reconciliation’. The Christian charity Caritas works in nearly all the world’s countries, so Caritas Ukraine was already there on the ground when the Russian offensive began in February. Caritas carries out holistic, comprehensive programming that responds to urgent, life-saving needs while building the foundations and means for long-term recovery. Caritas