
The Tennis court here at St Botolph was listed in the Financial Times in an article titled "Four of London’s most off beat public tennis courts" Click Here to read the article 10% DISCOUNT OFFER Once more the best players in the world will be showing us how it is done on the green grass of Wimbledon why not settle those office arguments about who is better and come and play a set or 2.  If you book between now and the end

The Annual Vestry Meeting and Parochial Church Meeting takes place on Tuesday 24 May at 12.45pm in church. If you are unable to attend in person, you can watch the meeting and election of officers on a livestream by clicking here to go to our You Tube page.  You will be unable to vote or take part in the meeting as we do not have the technical equipment necessary for a hybrid meeting at present.

One of the many great strengths of the Church of England is its system of governance, from parish level to General Synod. At parish level, the Electoral Roll ensures that members of a church can shape the local mission and ministry by electing the officers necessary to do that hard work. We encourage regular worshippers at St Botolph’s to apply: even if you are already on the Roll at your Sunday or ‘home’ church, you can be on the Roll

It was with great sadness that we report the passing of Reg Lee.  Reg was a highly valued member of the St Botolph Staff for over 15 years until his retirement in 2015.  He was always around with a smile and was happy to help everyone who visited the Church and Hall.  We send all our love and condolences to his wife Kathy and all his family. Photo credit The Gentle Author, Spitalfields Life