
The Roll was closed for its annual revision from 9 to 10 May and the new Roll is now displayed on the noticeboard by the Bishopsgate entrance until the Annual Parochial Church Meeting on Wednesday 24 May. The Roll will be open again for new applications following that meeting.   Mhairi Ellis, Electoral Roll Officer   Annual Meetings The Annual Vestry Meeting and Annual Parochial Church Meeting will take place on Wednesday 24 May at 2.00 pm in church immediately following the Choral Mass. You

We’re delighted to be able to offer the Court and Hall to our neighbours and partner charity XLP for another City Sleep Out, following successful events in 2018 and 2019 which raised many thousands of pounds for the charity’s work with disadvantaged young people. Because of the rising cost of living, an increasing number of young people (aged 16 to 24) are at risk of homelessness, with 15,500 already experiencing it as a reality in London alone. Funds raised by participants

It is wonderful to be welcoming choral groups to St Botolph’s once again to take advantage of the wonderful acoustics of our church and Hall. Returning tomorrow, 10 May at 6.30 pm for a short concert and reception is the ensemble Siglo de Oro and its director Patrick Allies. The group is praised for its ‘golden tone, fresh interpretations, and innovative programming’ - all are warmly invited to attend this short concert giving a preview of the 2023-24 season, followed

Message from The Rector Easter Hope Easter is a time of hope in the true and affirmative sense.  In casual conversation when we use the word ‘hope’ it is often in a way which suggests doubt or wavering uncertainty. ‘I hope I can make it, I hope to see you’.  In terms of faith, hope is certain.  Hope is eager anticipation and a firm acknowledgement that, ultimately all will be well. It is with hope that we look ahead with confident expectation of

St Botolph's has been a proud supporter of Fairtrade for a number of years, we serve Fairtrade refreshments after the Wednesday service. When we decided to open a coffee kiosk in the Church we were committed to only sell Fairtrade Tea and Coffee.  What does Fairtrade do? Fairtrade works with farming co-operatives, businesses and governments to make trade fair. Together with Fairtrade farmers and workers they have a vision: a world in which trade is based on fairness so that producers earn secure